Last updated on May 27, 2014
I’m not sure what to say about this medium of communication, this year. It’s been quite a process to engage in for this rapidly aging boomer. I thought I was ahead of the curve by blogging, and now there’s the whole Twitter & to understand. I moved up to a new computer along with Windows 7 3 months ago and I am still aghast at how behind I was in my old Gateway with XP. Yipes.
I began this blog around the time of the Chinese New Year, and this year we have a Tiger that leads us. We, of the Ox generation, will have to wait another 12 years before our turn comes around again. It certainly was a year unlike any other for me, 2009. I don’t know much about the specifics of Chinese astrology but I do understand astrological cycles and how to measure and manage time without a clock or a calendar. Surprises and unexpected events continue as always (Uranus is always showing us something new), however everything does seem to be cycling faster. Yes?
Back to my Blogging Report.
I don’t know how to judge the statistics that I have available to me for this site. Blogging has never been about money or fame or the number of hits I receive on any given day. Instead, my activity regarding this site has remained true to my original statement of intention found here. Much has changed in my personal and professional life since I began this experiment and I’m not sure what comes next since my own natal chart is reeling with hard aspects hitting my sun/moon/ascendant all at the same time. However, I’ve had a lot of fun with this new-paradigm media and I hope that I can stay connected.
Here’re some stats.
Total views 63, 851
Closer inspection reveals that there were more visits in 2008 than 2009, relatively no growth at all. It’s interesting because that’s how last year kind of was for me…..a no-visible-measurable-growth anywhere in my life. However, as for just looking at Jan and Feb, 2010 looks promising, assuming that blog-growth mirrors life-growth. It’s not necessarily a metaphor that I’m actively buying into, but interesting to look at nonetheless. Yes?
The stat’s page shows that I average about 66-77 views per day, whatever that means. My yoga practice has taught me to be aware of measuring myself, or comparing myself to others. That sort of mental/physical activity can lead to an agitated mind and lot’s of self-judgment. I am happy that there are those of you that stop by at all. You’re the witnesses to my process. Thanks!
Thursday, Oct 15, 2009 was the busiest day I’ve had thus far with 183 visitors. On that day I posted this entry but I don’t think that had anything at all to do with all the visits. It’s a mystery to me, still, how all this works out here in cyberspace.
As for posts: I’ve made 215 posts since I began and the top posts haven’t changed much for a long time. This post has literally taken on a life of it’s own and I don’t know if any of the people that routinely check in here are interested in anything else I’m blogging about. It’s curious to watch it unfold. If you are reading this, there’s certainly a part 2 unfolding these days with Calleman’s new book, The Purposeful Universe. In November of last year I was able to spend a couple days with Barbara Hand Clow at Kripalu Center in MA, and I’m still very keen to understand and know more about the changes in our cosmic and galactic neighborhood(s) as well as what’s going on locally. But, more on that another time.
This post remains #2 on most viewed. Can someone give me an idea of why? This post and this one are close in numbers coming in #3 & #4 of all time.
What now?
I guess I’ll just keep blogging and see.
Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.
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