
Last updated on October 31, 2014

Well, I am simply filled to the brim with joy and gratitude for last weekend’s Harper’s Escape.  It was fabulous and I promise to gift myself more harp events.  Meanwhile, last week I  also learned how to lightly edit an audio file and upload it to the internet.  I know it’s no big deal anymore to do that, but for me this feels really cool!   Uh oh…..I do see  YouTube in my future!  Uranus is flooding my chart right now  with ‘breakthrough energy’ so this seems like a good way to use it.

That said,  here is a piece of my harp practice that will certainly make you smile if you can hang in there for a few minutes.   I’m not posting this piece necessarily for the music…..  it’s about the birds and it’s worth a listen.  Promise.   The first 30 seconds are just me talking as I set the levers on the harp preparing to practice and warm up my hands.    (Recorded on my ipod)



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