Balsamic in the Winter……….

Last updated on May 20, 2014


back to the Hill House

Have you noticed how the outside really does reflect the inside? All the time.

I’ve just returned from Kripalu Center where I was able to take on the role of musician in the Saptah ‘event’ and then facilitator and yoga leader in the IQI.

A lot happened. Nothing happened. The stillpoint that becomes present when I find my center was exquisitly healing for me personally & professionally.

And, just to remind me that the universe supports inward journeying I’ve arrived home during the balsamic phase of the moon; another opportunity to develop relationship with the more causal levels of existence.

I’ll be facilitating another yoga nidra this thursday.

The astrology is perfect.

I feel like I’m doing my part to bring peace to the planet.

I couldn’t do this work without practicing peace for myself.

May we live in peace, no matter what we’re given.

Om nama shivaya.


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