Ida Cullen has been offering professional astrological services since the mid-’80’s and she continues to love this work. References available if necessary. Personal consultations can take many forms. It depends upon your intention, the type of information you are seeking, and the availability of precise data in the form of dates/exact times/places. I am proficient in reading western charts, vedic charts, and astro-carto-graphy maps. A typical session includes use of a variety of charts and maps and copies of all can be downloaded. That said, consultations are not just for individuals, but also useful for businesses, corporations, cities, state, and countries. Identifying trends using astrology helps identify upcoming opportunities and challenges. Astrology lends itself to any situation you can imagine, limited only by the skill and knowledge of the astrologer. All that said…………………..
THE NATAL CHART describes the life path, your individual strengths, weaknesses, potentials, and purpose. From this original chart, subsidiary charts can be calculated to forecast trends for the future. Information regarding timing, direction, stressful & stress free periods are readily available. Additional information is revealed regarding career, health, money, and spiritual direction. All time periods can be analyzed: past present or future. Think of the natal chart as your “Owners Manual”.
The Natal Chart is particularly helpful when looking at interactions with others be they spouses, children, friends, lovers, employees & authority figures. Strengths & weaknesses within specific relationships can be described as well as time periods as to when those relationships will be under stress. It is also possible to determine past life relationships from the charts.
Astrology reveals connections that are not easily seen by other methods particularly our unconscious behavior patterns. It is important when discussing relationships that I mention the importance of (professional) ethics. Although I can accurately describe you to you, the interactions between you and another person have everything to do with that person’s horoscope as well. Although I will not divulge ‘personal’ information of someone else to you, sometimes it’s really helpful to see the chart of the ‘other’. If I have that other person’s permission to disclose, then there are no limitations on our conversation. Each chart reading is held in confidence and I try to maintain professional boundaries at all times. That said, mothers (and fathers) with small children are encouraged to get a reading on their kids in order to best guide them in developing a child’s talents, skills, strengths & weaknesses. Very helpful.
Follow-up Sessions are important.. Time passes. Stuff happens. Perceptions change. The solar system moves. Checking in on current transits is recommended at least once a year. One of the gifts of astrology is to present a variety of perspectives on situations so that more informed decisions can be made. It’s impossible to cover everything in a single session…..ever. Here are some of the techniques for when the client is ready for more information: Solar Return, Secondary Progressions, Solar Directed, Transits, 360 Degree Dial, 90 Degree Dial, Astrocartography, Local Space, Eclipse Charts.
TimeScaping© is a time management plan especially for you.
If you have too much to do and too little time this may be the information that can change your life. Perception is everything. Based on the motion of the lunar cycle, TimeScaping helps one to ‘go with the flow’ of natural rhythms thereby decreasing all the stressors related to time. When we re-member how to live by natural time (as opposed to clock/calendar time) life becomes much easier and we always seem to be in the right place at the right time. If you’d like to be part of a study group send an email to
LOCATIONAL ASTROLOGY helps you to choose a place to live, work, study, invest, visit or vacation. Certain areas of the state (country, world) hold different kinds of ‘energy’ for each individual. Your natal chart holds the key to where in the world you can experience ‘good fortune’, to use a Chinese phrase. Astro-Carto-Graphy and Local Space charts act like a personal compass telling you where you are most likely to experience fulfillment of your needs/desires. The charts can also be placed on a map or inside one’s home. Using Feng Shui (Vaastu Shastra) good fortune is insured. Please read some of my postings/articles on Feng Shui to learn how powerful these practices can be. Personal Feng Shui Consultations on Zoom are now available. Go here for more information.
AstroCoaching is available and can be especially valuable if one is moving through some difficult time periods or trying to manifest an intentional change. An annual session primarily focuses on the big picture and the slower moving planets in the chart. However, it’s the movements of the inner planets that create the daily actions, responses, moods, and everyday choices that we all experience. Some times we need some help getting through the day. AstroCoaching is a set series (6 minimum) of prearranged 30 minute conversations (1x per week maximum) keeping you up to the minute with with the current movements of the inner planets. Incredibly helpful in establishing and maintaining an overall stress-less time management plan. Suggestions for how to apply yoga/ayurveda freely given during each session. For those who are interested, yoga therapy is a wonderful practice that enables you to embody the most positive expression of your astrological profile. Also, addressing ones karma, dharma, and spiritual path are topics of both astrology and yoga.
Private Consultations can be held in person, on the phone, or on Zoom. All charts and maps used will be sent via email. Recording is available. Please read this disclaimer before booking an appointment.
For information regarding fees
To schedule an appointment: send an email to or call/text 732.531-9013.
Please note: 30 minute consultations are only available for existing clients.
New Clients must book for 90 minutes.
Inquire Within© An experiential course of intensive study using the natal chart as the map. Delivered as: Immersions, Intensives, Retreats, Workshops, Lectures and Advanced Yoga Teacher Trainings. More here.