Another glance at Eris

She’s holding at 23 Aries and retrograde.

The Sabian Symbol is:

A PREGNANT WOMAN IN LIGHT SUMMER’S DRESS with the Keynote word as “Fecundity”  Dane Rudyhar goes on to write about this degree. “This is the third stage of the fifth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases,  It combines the two preceding ones and suggests INNER FULFILLMENT.”


hRMpf!  Not with Saturn there, that’s for sure! It’s been a rough time for Earth’s population.   Eris, the goddess of strife, is all about tension and the zodiac sign of  Aries is always ready for action. (more tension) Being opposed (180 degrees of separation) for so long(months, and month, and months!) has certainly brought  a keener understanding that the rules and obligations we have been living under have , just perhaps, become irrelevant?

Saturn will be moving into Scorpio in early Oct.  Eris will be less restricted in manifesting some inner fulfillment then.


May all beings be kind. May all beings be in peace.  May all beings live in ease. ,

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