
The Sun, Moon, Venus, Regulus & Transpluto are all moving thru my third house and the emphasis is on all-things-Virgo. Yes, I know it’s going to be Libra-time for the Sun in a couple of hours, but there are other things happening in the sector called Virgo that when approached with the right attitude can actually be quite pleasant and I want to savor it. Virgo is all about the everyday self-care rituals that keep us healthy. But, not just the body. We all need to apply self-care to our spirit & our souls as well, and that’s what telling a story yesterday did for me.



Even as I took the ‘stage’, I still couldn’t figure out exactly why I’m telling this story… Here? My story-support group (and you know who you are) said I told it the best ever….. I suppose I could tighten it up even more if I wanted to. But why? And what’s the purpose? Regardless I feel complete……it was a daunting task, and the pay was poor, but the benefits were huge and that really was a nice conversation I had with that inter-racial couple afterwards and it would have never happened otherwise………….

Stories can be many things. Entertainment. Documentary. Educational. And, stories can also be therapeutic & healing and a way to practice self care for our soul. Much of my professional life I am helping people to get ‘out of the story’ and to just feel the sensations & feelings that are present in the moment. Stories can and do take us into our heads a lot of the time, and astrology teaches that there is a time & place for everything, even getting into our heads and churning out some good stories.

So, I think that whilst the Virgo Moon is still agitating my third house, I’ll finish the editing on my story for a print version and maybe publish it…….? here?

New Moon Wednesday…..that means that we are all in the balsamic phase of the lunar cycle. Time to rest.

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