Last updated on May 17, 2014
The Yogi, whose mind is in harmony,
finds rest in the spirit within and deep communion with the whole
Free from restlessmess her soul is like a lamp whose flame burns steady in a shelter where no winds blow.
Bhagavad Gita VI: 16-21
What happens when you add the element of sound to a hatha yoga practice? We’ve been exploring that in my classes for months now. After our centering and some preliminary pranayama, we’ve practiced ‘toning’ using various vowel sounds. During savasana, we’ve practiced toning the bij mantras for each chakra. I’ve noticed a remarkable difference in my students at the end of these classes.
The ancient yogi’s understood the world to be made up of vibration or sound. Vibrations exist outside the body and inside the body. Frequently our inner vibratory rate is mis-matche3d with the external vibrations. This creates imbalance, dis-harmony, chaos and of course stress. When we integrate the aspect of sound into our yoga, things begin to smooth out and harmonize……………..physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.
Don’t take my word for it though………… the gifts of nada yoga yourself.
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