A Gift for You


Dear One’s

I am so grateful for your continued support and participation in our yoga community.  As a way to say thank you I am sending you this link.  Feel free to share it.  Many of you have maintained your yoga practice thruout this unprecedented year and I’m so proud of you, and me too, for showing up no matter what.  That’s Good Yoga.

As a teacher I am thrilled that my work in the world is not finished.  My dharma lives on.  Online classes/workshops will continue until such time that the stars beg me to change…………….again.

Click here for a yoga nidra session  that I recorded from years ago. Some of you might even remember the session?  I added some harp tracks from various practice sessions as musical accompaniment.  I hope you enjoy it.  I suggest you download the recording on your own device so that it’s available as needed.

Jai Bhagwan