2nd Annual Report on Blogging

Last updated on May 27, 2014

I’m pretty happy with my stat’s this past year.  Even though the goin’ was slowin’, the numbers on the screen doubled from the year before.  I don’t know what that means, but seein’ as i’m believin’ the times look good.

Communicating with others thru the medium of blogging certainly does bring up some ethical, moral, and curious conditions.

The three top posts have remained the same for a very, very long time.  I suppose that’s how most of you find me here.  As for the rest of those who regularly check into this site, Thank you!  You keep me goin’, when goin’ keeps slowin’.  (I’m working on some song lyrics these days 🙂

Oh well.

Here’ are some of my numbers:

In 2007 I received 11, 325 hits.

In 2008 I received 25, 028 hits.

I like the trend.

In 2007 I averaged 36 views per day.

In 2008 I averaged 68 views per day.

I like this trend too.

Time to go, now.

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