24 degrees Aries……………..

Last updated on December 10, 2020

Remember Eris?  I like checking in on her periodically.  She’s still in Aries, and will remain there until 2044-ish. The transition from Aries to Taurus takes time to settle in, maybe like moving from one state-of-being to a different one.  She’s an irritant, and a trouble-maker. She likes to stir up rivalries, especially between siblings or cousins.  She sows misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies. Her finger points at you.  And, she is dangerously seductive.  Drugs, alcohol and other mood-altering substances may tone her down, or up, but they’re not necessary for her to act-out or manipulate someone else.   She carries with her a daggar, a hissing snake, and/or a burning torch.  She’s responsible for starting the Trojan War.

Her zodiacal placements will show you where you need to build: strength, ferocity, and backbone.  Ugh.

I’ve been tracking her since 2006 and if you put in “Eris” on the search bar you can read all my posts.  This  particular post in 2012 helps to put today in perspective.

Mars, ruler of Aries, represents the God of War, masculine style.  Eris, in mythology, is his counterpart, feminine version, a Goddess of War.    Mars demands. Acts assertively, and sometimes aggressively in pursuit of his desires, wants, and entitlements.  As I write this, Mars is in Sagittarious heating up media stuff.  Watch what happens in about 5-6 weeks when Mars joins Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter/Lunar Nodes in Capricorn.



Meanwhile, Eris has reached the 24th degree. This adds a new spin on our interpretations for Eris.  The astrological mandala known as the Sabian Symbols as interpreted by Dane Rudhyar says,

“Blown inward by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of a cornucopia.”

This suggests an ‘openness to the influx of spiritual energies’.   ..the individual consciousness represented by (wherever you have Aries in your chart), is receiving a more concentrated influx of spiritual energy.

And, there are influences.  Until recently, Uranus was in Aries too, 2011-2019, and since his cycle is 84 years chances are you will not have to live thru *that* kind of extreme turbulence again.  Interestingly, Chiron, our Wounded Healer, also entered Aries in March of 2019.  This might indeed add to your pain threshold and open some old wounds,  the significence of Chiron here is on healing as opposed to curing.   Chiron’s cycle is ~50 years so if you are near to that age Chiron becomes the something you need to look at.  Consult your astrologer.

It’s a complicated time and there are blessings in the sky as well.   Neptune in Pisces will indeed enter in thru open windows.  Spiritual healing is available to the masses as well as individuals. What we can do is create the willingness to connect to spiritual energy and let go of the outcome.





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